
Showing posts from July, 2019

Winter Soltice

This week for MLH quickwrites it was based on the winter solstice. One of them was a my map. We had to mark a pin on Stonehenge, Newgrange and Maeshowe. All of themm are prehistoric monuments that were built thousands of years ago.

Stonehenge is part of the Winter Solstice because when the shortest day of the year comes (which is called the winter solstice) it shines right in the middle of Stonehenge. Newgrange is famous for when the Winter Solstice comes the sun shines right down on the doorway. Maeshowe is famous for its amazing sun rise because it rise's right over the passage grave.


In maths strand this week we have been learning about the angles in a triangle and what types of triangle there are. We also learned that all the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

There is equilateral triangle that has all the sides the same.

Then there is an isosceles triangle where the top is longer and the bottom of it is short.

And then there is a scalene which has no equal sides. The side on the left is short then the other two are longer.

                                                                                                         Image result for isosceles triangle

Revisiting Term 2

Retro Tech, Harold and Matariki. Term 2 went so fast that I could barely remember going to the Harold Truck and the term. Going to The Museum of Technology was a really fun experience since I had never been there before. I didn't end up getting a term achiever but I was fine with that because I'm going for the end of year award.

Jett and I with our hard hats and glasses on.
Image result for matarikiThe Matariki stars.