Holiday Slow Write!

This week in Rm 1 we have been doing a slow write about a time in the holidays we enjoyed. I wrote about going to this little rock place with my friends that live in
Wellighton. We had a really good time there.

"Woohoo!" I love going to the beach. The tide is high and the sand is wet but that won't stop me from going out to that rocky island. The beach is the BEST!

Quickly but gently I found my way out to the slippery rock. I wonder if the waves will get bigger and smash me off?
Although, I slipped over a few times, that didn’t stop me going further out.

Right after the last wave came off the set I clambered my way out to the island but one slimy, slippery and smooth rock made me fall over into the fishy and salty water.
Why is it that when ever I am so close to doing something, I fall over and something bad always happen.
I tried to stick the landing but I wasn’t speedy enough “OWWWWW!”
